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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком for CT Finnabair. Показать все сообщения
вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.
четверг, 16 января 2020 г.
воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.
December Art Recipe Finnabair CT + Video Tutorial
Hello friends,
Frosty mornings and really cold nights are the perfect reason for choosing silver, blue and lavender as our colour palette this month. There are so many opportunities in winter to use such colours! Whether you want to create a layout with winter scene photo or home-decor, this colour choice will be always a perfect match.
Frosty mornings and really cold nights are the perfect reason for choosing silver, blue and lavender as our colour palette this month. There are so many opportunities in winter to use such colours! Whether you want to create a layout with winter scene photo or home-decor, this colour choice will be always a perfect match.
The rules are very simple. Each challenge consists of colour palette and
products. You need to stick to the colour palette and use at least 2 of
the products listed in a challenge.
Colours of December Art Recipe:
Art Extravagance: Snowflake Paste
Art Alchemy: Opal Magic Paints
Art Ingredients: Glitter
Finnabair’s Moulds
The colours: Blue, Lavender and Silver
среда, 11 декабря 2019 г.
среда, 16 октября 2019 г.
Birdhouses ATCs for CT Finnabair + Video Tutorial
Hello there, creative friends!
Today I'd like to share with you my new inspiration! I made a series of
ATC "Birdhouses". I really like different interesting houses, I like to
compose all sorts of houses for fabulous creatures. And for the
inspiration of October, I made some birdhouses for the fairies.воскресенье, 15 сентября 2019 г.
среда, 21 августа 2019 г.
суббота, 15 июня 2019 г.
понедельник, 20 мая 2019 г.
Finnabair CT Art Recipe - May 2019
Привет всем!
Сегодня я пришла напомнить о новом вызове Арт Рецепта.
Задание мая :
Берем цвета - Желтый, Золото и Фиолетовый
И 2 любых продукта из списка:
Art Basics: Black Gesso
Art Alchemy: Liquid Acrylics
Art Ingredients: Micro Beads
Art Extravagance: Texture Fantasy Paste
The rules are very simple. Each challenge consists of colour palette and products. You need to stick to the colour pallete and use at least 2 of the products listed in a challenge.
Colours of May Art Recipe:
yellow, golden, violet

Материалы из MMP,
Art Recipe,
for CT Finnabair,
mixed media,
суббота, 6 апреля 2019 г.
Mixed Media Canvas "Passion" for Finnabair CT + Video Tutorial
Hello there, creative friends!
Today I'd like to share with you my new inspiration - a mixed media canvas "Passion"!
Today I'd like to share with you my new inspiration - a mixed media canvas "Passion"!

среда, 20 марта 2019 г.
New challenge Finnabair - Art Recipe - March 2019
Привет всем читающим блоги))
Сегодня я к вам с мега событием для фанатов продукции Finnabair!
Свершилась моя большая мечта, и теперь можно не только посмотреть Art Recipe от команды, но и принять участие в нем!
Правила очень просты - Сделать работу опираясь на палитру, использовать указанные материалы (обязательно из линейки Finnabair!) и добавиться в линки.
Победитель получит приз и честь стать Приглашенным Дизайнером!!! Вот тут у меня пару лет назад просто инфаркт бы случился от одной мысли))
Hello everyone reading blogs))
Today I have a mega event for fans of Finnabair products!
My big dream has come true, and now you can not only watch Art Recipe from the team, but also take part in it!
The rules are very simple - Make work based on the palette, use the specified materials (necessarily from the Finnabair line!) And add to the links.
The winner will receive a prize and the honor to become a invited designer !!! Here I have a couple of years ago, just a heart attack would have happened from one thought))
Today I have a mega event for fans of Finnabair products!
My big dream has come true, and now you can not only watch Art Recipe from the team, but also take part in it!
The rules are very simple - Make work based on the palette, use the specified materials (necessarily from the Finnabair line!) And add to the links.
The winner will receive a prize and the honor to become a invited designer !!! Here I have a couple of years ago, just a heart attack would have happened from one thought))
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